Template:Crafting Work Bench

提供:Terraria Japan Wiki

移動: 案内, 検索


名称 材料(個数) ゲーム内説明 備考
Wooden Arrow.png Wooden Arrow x25 link=木材 木材 x1
link=Stone Block Stone Block x1
4 ダメージ
Sign.png Sign x1 link=木材 木材 x6
link=Trap Door Trap Door x1 link=木材 木材 x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x4
link=Sawmill Sawmill x1 link=木材 木材 x10
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
Iron Chain.png Chain x1
link=Heavy Work Bench Heavy Work Bench x1 link=木材 木材 x12
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x8
link=Furnace Furnace x1 link=Stone Block Stone Block x20
link=木材 木材 x4
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Fireplace Fireplace link=木材 木材 x4
link=Gray Brick Gray Brick x10
link=Torch Torch x2
設置可 link=Campfire Campfireと同様の効果
Wooden Door.png Wooden Door x1 link=Wood Wood x6
Wooden Chair.png Wooden Chair x1 link=Wood Wood x4
Wooden Table.png Wooden Table x1 link=Wood Wood x8
Wood Helmet.png Wood Helmet x1 link=Wood Wood x20
Wood Breastplate.png Wood Breastplate x1 link=Wood Wood x30
Wood Greaves.png Wood Greaves x1 link=Wood Wood x25
Wooden Sword.png Wooden Sword x1 link=Wood Wood x7
Wooden Hammer.png Wooden Hammer x1 link=Wood Wood x8
Wooden Bow.png Wooden Bow x1 link=Wood Wood x10
link=Wooden Sink Wooden Sink x1 link=Wood Wood x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Wooden Fence Wooden Fence x4 link=Wood Wood x1
link=Wooden Yoyo Wooden Yoyo x1 link=Wood Wood x10
link=Cobweb Cobweb x20
link=Wood Fishing Pole Wood Fishing Pole x1 link=Wood Wood x8
link=Cobweb Cobweb x20
link=Chest Chest x1 link=Wood Wood x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
Boreal Wood Door.png Boreal Wood Door x1 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x6
Boreal Wood Chair.png Boreal Wood Chair x1 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x4
Boreal Wood Table.png Boreal Wood Table x1 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x8
Boreal Wood Helmet.png Boreal Wood Helmet x1 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x20
Boreal Wood Breastplate.png Boreal Wood Breastplate x1 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x30
Boreal Wood Greaves.png Boreal Wood Greaves x1 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x25
Boreal Wood Sword.png Boreal Wood Sword x1 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x7
Boreal Wood Hammer.png Boreal Wood Hammer x1 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x8
Boreal Wood Bow.png Boreal Wood Bow x1 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x10
Boreal Wood Chest.png Boreal Wood Chest x1 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Boreal Wood Candle Boreal Wood Candle x1 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x4
link=Ice Torch Ice Torch x1
link=Boreal Wood Lantern Boreal Wood Lantern x1 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x6
link=Ice Torch Ice Torch x1
link=Boreal Wood Lamp Boreal Wood Lamp x1 link=Ice Torch Ice Torch x1
link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x3
link=Boreal Wood Candelabra Boreal Wood Candelabra x1 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x5
link=Ice Torch Ice Torch x3
link=Boreal Wood Sink Boreal Wood Sink x1 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Boreal Wood Fence Boreal Wood Fence x4 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x1
Rich Mahogany Door.png Rich Mahogany Door x1 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x6
Rich Mahogany Chair.png Rich Mahogany Chair x1 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x4
Rich Mahogany Table.png Rich Mahogany Table x1 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x8
Rich Mahogany Helmet.png Rich Mahogany Helmet x1 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x20
Rich Mahogany Breastplate.png Rich Mahogany Breastplate x1 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x30
Rich Mahogany Greaves.png Rich Mahogany Greaves x1 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x25
Rich Mahogany Sword.png Rich Mahogany Sword x1 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x7
Rich Mahogany Hammer.png Rich Mahogany Hammer x1 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x8
Rich Mahogany Bow.png Rich Mahogany Bow x1 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x10
Rich Mahogany Chest.png Rich Mahogany Chest x1 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Rich Mahogany Candle Rich Mahogany Candle x1 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x4
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Rich Mahogany Lantern Rich Mahogany Lantern x1 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x6
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Rich Mahogany Lamp Rich Mahogany Lamp x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x3
link=Rich Mahogany Candelabra Rich Mahogany Candelabra x1 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Rich Mahogany Sink Rich Mahogany Sink x1 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Rich Mahogany Fence Rich Mahogany Fence x4 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x1
Ebonwood Door.png Ebonwood Door x1 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x6
Ebonwood Chair.png Ebonwood Chair x1 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x4
Ebonwood Table.png Ebonwood Table x1 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x8
Ebonwood Helmet.png Ebonwood Helmet x1 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x20
Ebonwood Breastplate.png Ebonwood Breastplate x1 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x30
Ebonwood Greaves.png Ebonwood Greaves x1 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x25
Ebonwood Sword.png Ebonwood Sword x1 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x7
Ebonwood Hammer.png Ebonwood Hammer x1 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x8
Ebonwood Bow.png Ebonwood Bow x1 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x10
Ebonwood Chest.png Ebonwood Chest x1 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Ebonwood Candle Ebonwood Candle x1 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x4
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Ebonwood Lantern Ebonwood Lantern x1 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x6
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Ebonwood Lamp Ebonwood Lamp x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x3
link=Ebonwood Candelabra Ebonwood Candelabra x1 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Ebonwood Sink Ebonwood Sink x1 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Ebonwood Fence Ebonwood Fence x4 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x1
Shadewood Door.png Shadewood Door x1 link=Shadewood Shadewood x6
Shadewood Chair.png Shadewood Chair x1 link=Shadewood Shadewood x4
Shadewood Table.png Shadewood Table x1 link=Shadewood Shadewood x8
Shadewood Helmet.png Shadewood Helmet x1 link=Shadewood Shadewood x20
Shadewood Breastplate.png Shadewood Breastplate x1 link=Shadewood Shadewood x30
Shadewood Greaves.png Shadewood Greaves x1 link=Shadewood Shadewood x25
Shadewood Sword.png Shadewood Sword x1 link=Shadewood Shadewood x7
Shadewood Hammer.png Shadewood Hammer x1 link=Shadewood Shadewood x8
Shadewood Bow.png Shadewood Bow x1 link=Shadewood Shadewood x10
Shadewood Chest.png Shadewood Chest x1 link=Shadewood Shadewood x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Shadewood Candle Shadewood Candle x1 link=Shadewood Shadewood x4
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Shadewood Lantern Shadewood Lantern x1 link=Shadewood Shadewood x6
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Shadewood Lamp Shadewood Lamp x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Shadewood Shadewood x3
link=Shadewood Candelabra Shadewood Candelabra x1 link=Shadewood Shadewood x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Shadewood Sink Shadewood Sink x1 link=Shadewood Shadewood x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Shadewood Fence Shadewood Fence x4 link=Shadewood Shadewood x1
link=Pearlwood Door Pearlwood Door x1 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x6
link=Pearlwood Chair Pearlwood Chair x1 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x4
link=Pearlwood Table Pearlwood Table x1 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x8
link=Pearlwood Helmet Pearlwood Helmet x1 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x20
link=Pearlwood Breastplate Pearlwood Breastplate x1 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x30
link=Pearlwood Greaves Pearlwood Greaves x1 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x25
link=Pearlwood Sword Pearlwood Sword x1 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x7
link=Pearlwood Hammer Pearlwood Hammer x1 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x8
link=Pearlwood Bow Pearlwood Bow x1 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x10
link=Pearlwood Chest Pearlwood Chest x1 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Pearlwood Candle Pearlwood Candle x1 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x4
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Pearlwood Lantern Pearlwood Lantern x1 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x6
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Pearlwood Lamp Pearlwood Lamp x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x3
link=Pearlwood Candelabra Pearlwood Candelabra x1 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Pearlwood Sink Pearlwood Sink x1 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Pearlwood Fence Pearlwood Fence x4 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x1
Spooky Door.png Spooky Door x1 link=Spooky Wood Spooky Wood x6
Spooky Chair.png Spooky Chair x1 link=Spooky Wood Spooky Wood x4
Spooky Table.png Spooky Table x1 link=Spooky Wood Spooky Wood x8
Spooky Helmet.png Spooky Helmet x1 link=Spooky Wood Spooky Wood x200
Spooky Breastplate.png Spooky Breastplate x1 link=Spooky Wood Spooky Wood x300
Spooky Leggings.png Spooky Leggings x1 link=Spooky Wood Spooky Wood x250
link=Spooky Lantern Spooky Lantern x1 link=Spooky Wood Spooky Wood x6
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Spooky Lamp Spooky Lamp x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Spooky Wood Spooky Wood x3
link=Spooky Candelabra Spooky Candelabra x1 link=Spooky Wood Spooky Wood x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Spooky Sink Spooky Sink x1 link=Spooky Wood Spooky Wood x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
Dynasty Door.png Dynasty Door x1 link=Dynasty Wood Dynasty Wood x6
Dynasty Chair.png Dynasty Chair x1 link=Dynasty Wood Dynasty Wood x4
Dynasty Chest.png Dynasty Chest x1 link=Dynasty Wood Dynasty Wood x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
Dynasty Table.png Dynasty Table x1 link=Dynasty Wood Dynasty Wood x8
Dynasty Lantern.png Dynasty Lantern x1 link=Dynasty Wood Dynasty Wood x6
link=Torch Torch x1
Large Dynasty Lantern.png Large Dynasty Lantern x1 link=Dynasty Wood Dynasty Wood x4
link=Torch Torch x4
Dynasty Candle.png Dynasty Candle x1 link=Dynasty Wood Dynasty Wood x4
link=Torch Torch x1
Large Dynasty Candle.png Large Dynasty Candle x1 link=Dynasty Wood Dynasty Wood x5
link=Torch Torch x3
Dynasty Lamp.png Dynasty Lamp x1 link=Dynasty Wood Dynasty Wood x3
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Dynasty Sink Dynasty Sink x1 link=Dynasty Wood Dynasty Wood x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
Dynasty Bowl.png Dynasty Bowl x1 link=Dynasty Wood Dynasty Wood x2
Dynasty Cup.png Dynasty Cup x1 link=Dynasty Wood Dynasty Wood x2
Pumpkin Door.png Pumpkin Door x1 link=Pumpkin Pumpkin x6
Pumpkin Chair.png Pumpkin Chair x1 link=Pumpkin Pumpkin x4
Pumpkin Table.png Pumpkin Table x1 link=Pumpkin Pumpkin x8
link=Jack 'O Lantern Jack 'O Lantern x1 link=Pumpkin Pumpkin x6
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Hanging Jack 'O Lantern Hanging Jack 'O Lantern x1 link=Pumpkin Pumpkin x4
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Pumpkin Candle Pumpkin Candle x1 link=Pumpkin Pumpkin x4
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Jackelier Jackelier x1 link=Pumpkin Pumpkin x12
link=Torch Torch x4
Pumpkin Helmet.png Pumpkin Helmet x1 link=Pumpkin Pumpkin x20
Pumpkin Breastplate.png Pumpkin Breastplate x1 link=Pumpkin Pumpkin x30
link=Pumpkin Leggings Pumpkin Leggings x1 link=Pumpkin Pumpkin x25
link=Pumpkin Sink Pumpkin Sink x1 link=Pumpkin Pumpkin x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
Cactus Door.png Cactus Door x1 link=Cactus Cactus x6
Cactus Chair.png Cactus Chair x1 link=Cactus Cactus x4
Cactus Bookcase.png Cactus Bookcase x4 link=Cactus Cactus x20
Book.png Book x10
Cactus Bed.png Cactus Bed x4 link=Cactus Cactus x15
Silk.png Silk x5
link=Cactus Bathtub Cactus Bathtub x1 link=Cactus Cactus x14
Cactus Lantern.png Cactus Lantern x1 link=Cactus Cactus x6
link=Torch Torch x1
Cactus Candle.png Cactus Candle x1 link=Cactus Cactus x4
link=Torch Torch x1
Cactus Chandelier.png Cactus Chandelier x1 link=Cactus Cactus x4
link=Torch Torch x4
Iron Chain.png Chain x1
Cactus Lamp.png Cactus Lamp x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Cactus Cactus x3
Cactus Candelabra.png Cactus Candelabra x1 link=Cactus Cactus x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Cactus Sink Cactus Sink x1 link=Cactus Cactus x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
Cactus Helmet.png Cactus Helmet x1 link=Cactus Cactus x20
Cactus Breastplate.png Cactus Breastplate x1 link=Cactus Cactus x30
Cactus Leggings.png Cactus Leggings x1 link=Cactus Cactus x25
Cactus Sword.png Cactus Sword x1 link=Cactus Cactus x10
Cactus Pickaxe.png Cactus Pickaxe x1 link=Cactus Cactus x15
Bamboo Door.png Bamboo Door x1 link=Bamboo Bamboo x6
Bamboo Chair.png Bamboo Chair x1 link=Bamboo Bamboo x4
Bamboo Table.png Bamboo Table x1 link=Bamboo Bamboo x8
Bamboo Chest.png Bamboo Chest x1 link=Bamboo Bamboo x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Bamboo Candle Bamboo Candle x1 link=Bamboo Bamboo x4
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Bamboo Lantern Bamboo Lantern x1 link=Bamboo Bamboo x6
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Bamboo Lamp Bamboo Lamp x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Bamboo Bamboo x3
link=Bamboo Candelabra Bamboo Candelabra x1 link=Bamboo Bamboo x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Bamboo Sink Bamboo Sink x1 link=Bamboo Bamboo x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Bamboo Fence Bamboo Fence x4 link=Bamboo Bamboo x1
link=Mushroom Door Mushroom Door x1 link=Glowing Mushroom Glowing Mushroom x6
link=Mushroom Chair Mushroom Chair x1 link=Glowing Mushroom Glowing Mushroom x4
link=Mushroom Table Mushroom Table x1 link=Glowing Mushroom Glowing Mushroom x8
link=Mushroom Chest Mushroom Chest x1 link=Glowing Mushroom Glowing Mushroom x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Mushroom Candle Mushroom Candle x1 link=Glowing Mushroom Glowing Mushroom x4
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Mushroom Lantern Mushroom Lantern x1 link=Glowing Mushroom Glowing Mushroom x6
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Mushroom Lamp Mushroom Lamp x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Glowing Mushroom Glowing Mushroom x3
link=Mushroom Candelabra Mushroom Candelabra x1 link=Glowing Mushroom Glowing Mushroom x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Mushroom Sink Mushroom Sink x1 link=Glowing Mushroom Glowing Mushroom x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Pine Door Pine Door x1 link=Pine Tree Block Pine Tree Block x6
link=Pine Chair Pine Chair x1 link=Pine Tree Block Pine Tree Block x4
link=Pine Table Pine Table x1 link=Pine Tree Block Pine Tree Block x8
link=Snow Brick Snow Brick link=Snow Block Snow Block x2 設置可
link=Ice Brick Ice Brick link=Ice Block Ice Block x2 設置可
link=Chinese Lantern Chinese Lantern x1 link=Silk Silk x5
link=Torch Torch x1
天井に設置可 光源
link=Tiki Torch Tiki Torch x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Wood Wood x3
床に設置可 光源
link=Skull Lantern Skull Lantern x1 link=Bone Bone x10
link=Torch Torch x1
床に設置可 光源
link=Candle Candle x1 link=Gold Bar Gold Bar x1
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Candelabra Candelabra x1 link=Gold Bar Gold Bar x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Platinum Candle Platinum Candle x1 link=Platinum Bar Platinum Bar x1
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Platinum Candelabra Platinum Candelabra x1 link=Platinum  Bar Platinum Bar x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Flinx Staff Flinx Staff x1 link=Flinx Fur Flinx Fur x1
link=Gold Bar Gold Bar or link=Platinum Bar Platinum Bar x10
link=Amethyst Gemspark Block Amethyst Gemspark Block x20 link=Glass Glass x20
link=Amethyst Amethyst x1
link=Topaz Gemspark Block Topaz Gemspark Block x20 link=Glass Glass x20
link=Topaz Topaz x1
link=Sapphire Gemspark Block Sapphire Gemspark Block x20 link=Glass Glass x20
link=Sapphire Sapphire x1
link=Emerald Gemspark Block Emerald Gemspark Block x20 link=Glass Glass x20
link=Emerald Emerald x1
link=Ruby Gemspark Block Ruby Gemspark Block x20 link=Glass Glass x20
link=Ruby Ruby x1
link=Diamond Gemspark Block Diamond Gemspark Block x20 link=Glass Glass x20
link=Diamond Diamond x1
link=Amber Gemspark Block Amber Gemspark Block x20 link=Glass Glass x20
link=Amber Amber x1
link=Purple Stained Glass Purple Stained Glass x20 link=Glass Wall Glass Wall x20
link=Amethyst Amethyst x1
link=Yellow Stained Glass Yellow Stained Glass x20 link=Glass Wall Glass Wall x20
link=Topaz Topaz x1
link=Blue Stained Glass Blue Stained Glass x20 link=Glass Wall Glass Wall x20
link=Sapphire Sapphire x1
link=Green Stained Glass Green Stained Glass x20 link=Glass Wall Glass Wall x20
link=Emerald Emerald x1
link=Red Stained Glass Red Stained Glass x20 link=Glass Wall Glass Wall x20
link=Ruby Ruby x1
link=Orange Stained Glass Orange Stained Glass x20 link=Glass Wall Glass Wall x20
link=Amber Amber x1
link=Multicolored Stained Glass Multicolored Stained Glass x20 link=Glass Wall Glass Wall x20
link=Amethyst Amethyst x1
link=Topaz Topaz x1
link=Sapphire Sapphire x1
link=Emerald Emerald x1
link=Ruby Ruby x1
link=Armor Statue Armor Statue link=Stone Block Stone Block x100 設置可
link=Chimney Chimney link=Gray Brick Gray Brick x10 設置可 煙を吹く
link=Iron Anvil Iron Anvil link=Iron Bar Iron Bar x5 設置可
link=Lead Anvil Lead Anvil link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x5 設置可
link=Leather Leather link=Rotten Chunk Rotten Chunk x5 素材
link=Archaeologist's Jacket Archaeologist's Jacket link=Leather Leather x15 装備可
link=Archaeologist's Pants Archaeologist's Pants link=Leather Leather x15 装備可
link=Pink Snow Hood Pink Snow Hood link=Snow Hood Snow Hood x1
link=Pink Thread Pink Thread x3
link=Pink Snow Coat Pink Snow Coat link=Snow Coat Snow Coat x1
link=Pink Thread Pink Thread x3
link=Pink Snow Pants Pink Snow Pants link=Snow Pants Snow Pants x1
link=Pink Thread Pink Thread x3
link=Necro Helmet Necro Helmet link=Bone Bone x40
link=Cobweb Cobweb x40
5 ディフェンス
link=Necro Breastplate Necro Breastplate link=Bone Bone x60
link=Cobweb Cobweb x50
6 ディフェンス
link=Necro Greaves Necro Greaves link=Bone Bone x50
link=Cobweb Cobweb x45
5 ディフェンス
link=Spinal Tap Spinal Tap x1 link=Bone Bone x90
link=Cobweb Cobweb x55
link=Smooth Granite Block Smooth Granite Block x1 link=Granite Block Granite Block x1 ブロック
link=Granite Door Granite Door x1 link=Smooth Granite Block Smooth Granite Block x6
link=Granite Chair Granite Chair x1 link=Smooth Granite Block Smooth Granite Block x4
link=Granite Table Granite Table x1 link=Smooth Granite Block Smooth Granite Block x8
link=Granite Chest Granite Chest x1 link=Smooth Granite Block Smooth Granite Block x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Granite Candle Granite Candle x1 link=Smooth Granite Block Smooth Granite Block x4
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Granite Lantern Granite Lantern x1 link=Smooth Granite Block Smooth Granite Block x6
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Granite Lamp Granite Lamp x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Smooth Granite Block Smooth Granite Block x3
link=Granite Candelabra Granite Candelabra x1 link=Smooth Granite Block Smooth Granite Block x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Granite Sink Granite Sink x1 link=Smooth Granite Block Smooth Granite Block x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Smooth Marble Block Smooth Marble Block x1 link=Marble Block Marble Block x1 ブロック
link=Marble Door Marble Door x1 link=Smooth Marble Block Smooth Marble Block x6
link=Marble Chair Marble Chair x1 link=Smooth Marble Block Smooth Marble Block x4
link=Marble Table Marble Table x1 link=Smooth Marble Block Smooth Marble Block x8
link=Marble Chest Marble Chest x1 link=Smooth Marble Block Smooth Marble Block x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Marble Candle Marble Candle x1 link=Smooth Marble Block Smooth Marble Block x4
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Marble Lantern Marble Lantern x1 link=Smooth Marble Block Smooth Marble Block x6
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Marble Lamp Marble Lamp x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Smooth Marble Block Smooth Marble Block x3
link=Marble Candelabra Marble Candelabra x1 link=Smooth Marble Block Smooth Marble Block x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Marble Sink Marble Sink x1 link=Smooth Marble Block Smooth Marble Block x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Spider Nest Block Spider Nest Block x10 link=Spider Fang Spider Fang x1
link=Cobweb Cobweb x10
link=Spider Door Spider Door x1 link=Spider Nest Block Spider Nest Block x6
link=Spider Chair Spider Chair x1 link=Spider Nest Block Spider Nest Block x4
link=Spider Table Spider Table x1 link=Spider Nest Block Spider Nest Block x8
link=Spider Chest Spider Chest x1 link=Spider Nest Block Spider Nest Block x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Spider Candle Spider Candle x1 link=Spider Nest Block Spider Nest Block x4
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Spider Lantern Spider Lantern x1 link=Spider Nest Block Spider Nest Block x6
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Spider Lamp Spider Lamp x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Spider Nest Block Spider Nest Block x3
link=Spider Candelabra Spider Candelabra x1 link=Spider Nest Block Spider Nest Block x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Spider Sink Spider Sink x1 link=Spider Nest Block Spider Nest Block x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Sandstone Door Sandstone Door x1 link=Smooth Sandstone Smooth Sandstone x6
link=Sandstone Chair Sandstone Chair x1 link=Smooth Sandstone Smooth Sandstone x4
link=Sandstone Table Sandstone Table x1 link=Smooth Sandstone Smooth Sandstone x8
link=Sandstone Chest Sandstone Chest x1 link=Smooth Sandstone Smooth Sandstone x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Sandstone Candle Sandstone Candle x1 link=Smooth Sandstone Smooth Sandstone x4
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Sandstone Lantern Sandstone Lantern x1 link=Smooth Sandstone Smooth Sandstone x6
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Sandstone Lamp Sandstone Lamp x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Smooth Sandstone Smooth Sandstone x3
link=Sandstone Candelabra Sandstone Candelabra x1 link=Smooth Sandstone Smooth Sandstone x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Sandstone Sink Sandstone Sink x1 link=Smooth Sandstone Smooth Sandstone x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Crystal Door Crystal Door x1 link=Crystal Block Crystal Block x15
link=Crystal Chair Crystal Chair x1 link=Crystal Block Crystal Block x10
link=Crystal Table Crystal Table x1 link=Crystal Block Crystal Block x20
link=Crystal Chest Crystal Chest x1 link=Crystal Block Crystal Block x20
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Crystal Candle Crystal Candle x1 link=Crystal Block Crystal Block x8
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Crystal Lantern Crystal Lantern x1 link=Crystal Block Crystal Block x15
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Crystal Lamp Crystal Lamp x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Crystal Block Crystal Block x15
link=Crystal Candelabra Crystal Candelabra x1 link=Crystal Block Crystal Block x10
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Crystal Sink Crystal Sink x1 link=Crystal Block Crystal Block x15
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Meteorite Door Meteorite Door x1 link=Meteorite Brick Meteorite Brick x6
link=Meteorite Chair Meteorite Chair x1 link=Meteorite Brick Meteorite Brick x4
link=Meteorite Table Meteorite Table x1 link=Meteorite Brick Meteorite Brick x8
link=Meteorite Chest Meteorite Chest x1 link=Meteorite Brick Meteorite Brick x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Meteorite Candle Meteorite Candle x1 link=Meteorite Brick Meteorite Brick x4
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Meteorite Lantern Meteorite Lantern x1 link=Meteorite Brick Meteorite Brick x6
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Meteorite Lamp Meteorite Lamp x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Meteorite Brick Meteorite Brick x3
link=Meteorite Candelabra Meteorite Candelabra x1 link=Meteorite Brick Meteorite Brick x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Meteorite Sink Meteorite Sink x1 link=Meteorite Brick Meteorite Brick x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Obsidian Chest Obsidian Chest x1 link=Obsidian Obsidian x6
link=Hellstone Hellstone x2
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Obsidian Sink Obsidian Sink x1 link=Obsidian Obsidian x4
link=Hellstone Hellstone x2
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Martian Door Martian Door x1 link=Martian Conduit Plating Martian Conduit Plating x6
link=Martian Hover Chair Martian Hover Chair x1 link=Martian Conduit Plating Martian Conduit Plating x4
link=Martian Table Martian Table x1 link=Martian Conduit Plating Martian Conduit Plating x8
link=Martian Chest Martian Chest x1 link=Martian Conduit Plating Martian Conduit Plating x8
link=Iron Bar Iron Bar or link=Lead Bar Lead Bar x2
link=Martian Hover Candle Martian Hover Candle x1 link=Martian Conduit Plating Martian Conduit Plating x4
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Martian Lantern Martian Lantern x1 link=Martian Conduit Plating Martian Conduit Plating x6
link=Torch Torch x1
link=Martian Lamppost Martian Lamppost x1 link=Torch Torch x1
link=Martian Conduit Plating Martian Conduit Plating x3
link=Martian Table Lamp Martian Table Lamp x1 link=Martian Conduit Plating Martian Conduit Plating x5
link=Torch Torch x3
link=Martian Sink Martian Sink x1 link=Martian Conduit Plating Martian Conduit Plating x6
link=Water Bucket Water Bucket x1
link=Sashimi Sashimi x1 link=Tuna Tuna or
link=Salmon Salmon or
link=Red Snapper Red Snapper or
link=Flounder Flounder x1
link=High Velocity Bullet High Velocity Bullet x50 link=Empty Bullet Empty Bullet x50
link=Cog Cog x1
link=Party Bullet Party Bullet x50 link=Empty Bullet Empty Bullet x50
link=Confetti Confetti x1
Nano Bullet.png Nano Bullet x50 Empty Bullet.png Empty Bullet x50
Nanites.png Nanites x1
Exploding Bullet.png Exploding Bullet x50 Empty Bullet.png Empty Bullet x50
Explosive Powder.png Explosive Powder x1
Golden Bullet.png Golden Bullet x50 Empty Bullet.png Empty Bullet x50
Gold Dust.png Gold Dust x1
Venom Bullet.png Venom Bullet x50 Empty Bullet.png Empty Bullet x50
Vial of Venom.png Vial of Venom x1
link=Key of Light Key of Light x1 link=Soul of Light Soul of Light x15
link=Key of Night Key of Night x1 link=Soul of Night Soul of Night x15
link=Music Box (Day Remix) Music Box (Day Remix) x1 link=Music Box (Overworld Day) Music Box (Overworld Day) x1
link=Martian Conduit Plating Martian Conduit Plating x25

[編集] 背景壁


名称 材料(個数) ゲーム内説明 備考
link=Wood Wall Wood Wall x4 link=Wood Wood x1 設置可
link=Boreal Wood Wall Boreal Wood Wall x4 link=Boreal Wood Boreal Wood x1 設置可
link=Rich Mahogany Wall Rich Mahogany Wall x4 link=Rich Mahogany Rich Mahogany x1 設置可
link=Ebonwood Wall Ebonwood Wall x4 link=Ebonwood Ebonwood x1 設置可
link=Ash Wood Wall Ash Wood Wall x4 link=Ash Wood Ash Wood x1 設置可
link=Shadewood Wall Shadewood Wall x4 link=Shadewood Shadewood x1 設置可
link=Pearlwood Wall Pearlwood Wall x4 link=Pearlwood Pearlwood x1 設置可
link=Spooky Wood Wall Spooky Wood Wall x4 link=Spooky Wood Spooky Wood x1 設置可
link=White Dynasty Wall White Dynasty Wall x4 link=Dynasty Wood Dynasty Wood x1 設置可
link=Blue Dynasty Wall Blue Dynasty Wall x4 link=Dynasty Wood Dynasty Wood x1 設置可
link=Pumpkin Wall Pumpkin Wall x4 link=Pumpkin Pumpkin x1
link=Cactus Wall Cactus Wall x4 link=Cactus Cactus x1
link=Mushroom Wall Mushroom Wall x4 link=Glowing Mushroom Glowing Mushroom x1
link=Bamboo Wall Bamboo Wall x4 link=Bamboo Bamboo x1
link=Large Bamboo Wall Large Bamboo Wall x4 link=Large Bamboo Large Bamboo x1
link=Reef Wall Reef Wall x4 link=Reef Block Reef Block x1
link=Dirt Wall Dirt Wall x4 link=Dirt Block Dirt Block x1 設置可
link=Stone Wall Stone Wall x4 link=Stone Block Stone Block x1 設置可
link=Mudstone Brick Wall Mudstone Brick Wall x4 link=Mudstone Brick Mudstone Brick x1 設置可
link=Sandstone Brick Wall Sandstone Brick Wall x4 link=Sandstone Brick Sandstone Brick x1 設置可
link=Red Stucco Wall Red Stucco Wall x4 link=Red Stucco Red Stucco x1 設置可
link=Green Stucco Wall Green Stucco Wall x4 link=Green Stucco Green Stucco x1 設置可
link=Yellow Stucco Wall Yellow Stucco Wall x4 link=Yellow Stucco Yellow Stucco x1 設置可
link=Gray Stucco Wall Gray Stucco Wall x4 link=Gray Stucco Gray Stucco x1 設置可
link=Gray Brick Wall Gray Brick Wall x4 link=Gray Brick Gray Brick x1 設置可
link=Red Brick Wall Red Brick Wall x4 link=Red Brick Red Brick x1 設置可
link=Copper Brick Wall Copper Brick Wall x4 link=Copper Brick Copper Brick x1 設置可
link=Tin Brick Wall Tin Brick Wall x4 link=Tin Brick Tin Brick x1 設置可
link=Iron Brick Wall Iron Brick Wall x4 link=Iron Brick Iron Brick x1 設置可
link=Lead Brick Wall Lead Brick Wall x4 link=Lead Brick Lead Brick x1 設置可
link=Silver Brick Wall Silver Brick Wall x4 link=Silver Brick Silver Brick x1 設置可
link=Tungsten Brick Wall Tungsten Brick Wall x4 link=Tungsten Brick Tungsten Brick x1 設置可
link=Gold Brick Wall Gold Brick Wall x4 link=Gold Brick Gold Brick x1 設置可
link=Platinum Brick Wall Platinum Brick Wall x4 link=Platinum Brick Platinum Brick x1 設置可
link=Demonite Brick Wall Demonite Brick Wall x4 link=Demonite Brick Demonite Brick x1 設置可
link=Ebonstone Brick Wall Ebonstone Brick Wall x4 link=Ebonstone Brick Ebonstone Brick x1 設置可
link=Crimtane Brick Wall Crimtane Brick Wall x4 link=Crimtane Brick Crimtane Brick x1 設置可
link=Crimstone Brick Wall Crimstone Brick Wall x4 link=Crimstone Brick Crimstone Brick x1 設置可
link=Obsidian Brick Wall Obsidian Brick Wall x4 link=Obsidian Brick Obsidian Brick x1 設置可
link=Hellstone Brick Wall Hellstone Brick Wall x4 link=Hellstone Brick Hellstone Brick x1 設置可
link=Lesion Block Wall Lesion Block Wall x4 link=Lesion Block Lesion Block x1 設置可
link=Flesh Block Wall Flesh Block Wall x4 link=Flesh Block Flesh Block x1 設置可
link=Pearlstone Brick Wall Pearlstone Brick Wall x4 link=Pearlstone Brick Pearlstone Brick x1 設置可
link=Obsidian Brick Wall Obsidian Brick Wall x4 link=Obsidian Brick Obsidian Brick x1 設置可
link=Iridescent Brick Wall Iridescent Brick Wall x4 link=Iridescent Brick Iridescent Brick x1 設置可
link=Cobalt Brick Wall Cobalt Brick Wall x4 link=Cobalt Brick Cobalt Brick x1 設置可
link=Palladium Column Wall Palladium Column Wall x4 link=Palladium Column Palladium Column x1 設置可
link=Mythril Brick Wall Mythril Brick Wall x4 link=Mythril Brick Mythril Brick x1 設置可
link=Bubblegum Block Wall Bubblegum Block Wall x4 link=Bubblegum Block Bubblegum Block x1 設置可
link=Adamantite Beam Wall Adamantite Beam Wall x4 link=Adamantite Beam Adamantite Beam x1 設置可
link=Titanstone Block Wall Titanstone Block Wall x4 link=Titanstone Block Titanstone Block x1 設置可
link=Rainbow Brick Wall Rainbow Brick Wall x4 link=Rainbow Brick Rainbow Brick x1 設置可
link=Lihzahrd Brick Wall Lihzahrd Brick Wall x4 link=Lihzahrd Brick Lihzahrd Brick x1 設置可
link=Shroomite Plating Wall Shroomite Plating Wall x4 link=Shroomite Plating Shroomite Plating x1 設置可
link=Chlorophyte Brick Wall Chlorophyte Brick Wall x4 link=Chlorophyte Brick Chlorophyte Brick x1 設置可
link=Martian Conduit Wall Martian Conduit Wall x4 link=Martian Conduit Plating Martian Conduit Plating x1 設置可
link=Luminite Brick Wall Luminite Brick Wall x4 link=Luminite Brick Luminite Brick x1 設置可
link=Solar Brick Wall Solar Brick Wall x4 link=Solar Brick Solar Brick x1 設置可
link=Vortex Brick Wall Vortex Brick Wall x4 link=Vortex Brick Vortex Brick x1 設置可
link=Nebula Brick Wall Nebula Brick Wall x4 link=Nebula Brick Nebula Brick x1 設置可
link=Stardust Brick Wall Stardust Brick Wall x4 link=Stardust Brick Stardust Brick x1 設置可
link=Snow Brick Wall Snow Brick Wall x4 link=Snow Brick Snow Brick x1 設置可
link=Ice Brick Wall Ice Brick Wall x4 link=Ice Brick Ice Brick x1 設置可
link=Smooth Sandstone Wall Smooth Sandstone Wall x4 link=Smooth Sandstone Smooth Sandstone x1 設置可
link=Smooth Granite Wall Smooth Granite Wall x4 link=Smooth Granite Block Smooth Granite Block x1 設置可
link=Smooth Marble Wall Smooth Marble Wall x4 link=Smooth Marble Block Smooth Marble Block x1 設置可
link=Stone Slab Wall Stone Slab Wall x4 link=Stone Slab Stone Slab x1 設置可
link=Slime Block Wall Slime Block Wall x4 link=Slime Block Slime Block x1 設置可
link=Cloud Wall Cloud Wall x4 link=Cloud Cloud x1 設置可
link=Disc Wall Disc Wall x4 link=Sunplate Block Sunplate Block x1 設置可
link=Hive Wall Hive Wall x4 link=Hive Hive x1 設置可
link=Hay Wall Hay Wall x4 link=Hay Hay x1 設置可
link=Silly Green Balloon Wall Silly Green Balloon Wall x4 link=Silly Green Balloon Silly Green Balloon x1
link=Silly Pink Balloon Wall Silly Pink Balloon Wall x4 link=Silly Pink Balloon Silly Pink Balloon x1
link=Silly Purple Balloon Wall Silly Purple Balloon Wall x4 link=Silly Purple Balloon Silly Purple Balloon x1
link=Candy Cane Wall Candy Cane Wall x4 link=Candy Cane Block Candy Cane Block x1 設置可
link=Green Candy Cane Wall Green Candy Cane Wall x4 link=Green Candy Cane Block Green Candy Cane Block x1 設置可
link=Glass Wall Glass Wall x4 link=Glass Glass x1 設置可
link=Waterfall Wall Waterfall Wall x4 link=Waterfall Block Waterfall Block x1 設置可
link=Lavafall Wall Lavafall Wall x4 link=Lavafall Block Lavafall Block x1 設置可
link=Honeyfall Wall Honeyfall Wall x4 link=Honeyfall Block Honeyfall Block x1 設置可
link=Sandfall Wall Sandfall Wall x4 link=Sandfall Block Sandfall Block x1 設置可
link=Snowfall Wall Snowfall Wall x4 link=Snowfall Block Snowfall Block x1 設置可
link=Confetti Wall Confetti Wall x4 link=Confetti Block Confetti Block x1 設置可
link=Midnight Confetti Wall Midnight Confetti Wall x4 link=Midnight Confetti Block Midnight Confetti Block x1 設置可
link=Blue Starry Wall Blue Starry Wall x4 link=Blue Starry Block Blue Starry Block x1
link=Gold Starry Wall Gold Starry Wall x4 link=Gold Starry Block Gold Starry Block x1
link=Amethyst Gemspark Wall Amethyst Gemspark Wall x4 link=Amethyst Gemspark Block Amethyst Gemspark Block x1
link=Offline Amethyst Gemspark Wall Offline Amethyst Gemspark Wall x4
link=Topaz Gemspark Wall Topaz Gemspark Wall x4 link=Topaz Gemspark Block Topaz Gemspark Block x1
link=Offline Topaz Gemspark Wall Offline Topaz Gemspark Wall x4
link=Sapphire Gemspark Wall Sapphire Gemspark Wall x4 link=Sapphire Gemspark Block Sapphire Gemspark Block x1
link=Offline Sapphire Gemspark Wall Offline Sapphire Gemspark Wall x4
link=Emerald Gemspark Wall Emerald Gemspark Wall x4 link=Emerald Gemspark Block Emerald Gemspark Block x1
link=Offline Emerald Gemspark Wall Offline Emerald Gemspark Wall x4
link=Ruby Gemspark Wall Ruby Gemspark Wall x4 link=Ruby Gemspark Block Ruby Gemspark Block x1
link=Offline Ruby Gemspark Wall Offline Ruby Gemspark Wall x4
link=Amber Gemspark Wall Amber Gemspark Wall x4 link=Amber Gemspark Block Amber Gemspark Block x1
link=Offline Amber Gemspark Wall Offline Amber Gemspark Wall x4
link=Diamond Gemspark Wall Diamond Gemspark Wall x4 link=Diamond Gemspark Block Diamond Gemspark Block x1
link=Offline Diamond Gemspark Wall Offline Diamond Gemspark Wall x4

スポンサード リンク
