生成物 | 必要素材
Diving Gear x1
| Flipper x1
Diving Helmet x1
Jellyfish Diving Gear x1
| Diving Gear x1
Jellyfish Necklace x1
Arctic Diving Gear x1
| Jellyfish Diving Gear x1
Ice Skates x1
Fish Finder x1
| Fisherman's Pocket Guide x1
Weather Radio x1
Sextant x1
GPS x1
| Gold Watch or Platinum Watch x1
Depth Meter x1
Compass x1
Goblin Tech x1
| Metal Detector x1
Stopwatch x1
DPS Meter x1
R.E.K. 3000 x1
| Radar x1
Lifeform Analyzer x1
Tally Counter x1
PDA x1
| GPS x1
Fish Finder x1
Goblin Tech x1
R.E.K. 3000 x1
Cell Phone x1
| Magic Mirror or Ice Mirror x1
PDA x1
Shellphone x1
| Cell Phone x1
Magic Conch x1
Demon Conch x1
Obsidian Horseshoe x1
| Lucky Horseshoe x1
Obsidian Skull x1
Obsidian Shield x1
| Cobalt Shield x1
Obsidian Skull x1
Ankh Shield x1
| Obsidian Shield x1
Ankh Charm x1
Hero Shield x1
| Paladin's Shield x1
Flesh Knuckles x1
Frozen Shield x1
| Paladin's Shield x1
Frozen Turtle Shell x1
Fart in a Jar x1
| Cloud in a Bottle x1
Whoopie Cushion x1
Fart in a Balloon x1
| Fart in a Jar x1
Shiny Red Balloon x1
Honey Balloon x1
| Honey Comb x1
Shiny Red Balloon x1
Cloud in a Balloon x1
| Cloud in a Bottle x1
Shiny Red Balloon x1
Blizzard in a Balloon x1
| Blizzard in a Bottle x1
Shiny Red Balloon x1
Sandstorm in a Balloon x1
| Sandstorm in a Bottle x1
Shiny Red Balloon x1
Sharkron Balloon x1
| Tsunami in a Bottle x1
Balloon Pufferfish x1
Blue Horseshoe Balloon x1
| Cloud in a Balloon x1
Lucky Horseshoe x1
White Horseshoe Balloon x1
| Blizzard in a Balloon x1
Lucky Horseshoe x1
Green Horseshoe Balloon x1
| Fart in a Balloon x1
Lucky Horseshoe x1
Yellow Horseshoe Balloon x1
| Sandstorm in a Balloon x1
Lucky Horseshoe x1
Pink Horseshoe Balloon x1
| Sharkron Balloon x1
Lucky Horseshoe x1
Bundle of Balloons x1
| Cloud in a Balloon x1
Blizzard in a Balloon x1
Sandstorm in a Balloon x1
Bundle of Horseshoe Balloons x1
| Bundle of Balloons x1
Lucky Horseshoe x1
Cloud in a Balloon x1
Blizzard in a Balloon x1
Sandstorm in a Balloon or Lucky Horseshoe x1
Cloud in a Balloon or Blue Horseshoe Balloon x1
Blizzard in a Balloon or White Horseshoe Balloon x1
Sandstorm in a Balloon or Yellow Horseshoe Balloon x1 (Horseshoe Balloonが最低一つ必要)
Spectre Boots x1
| Rocket Boots x1
Hermes Boots or
Flurry Boots or
Sailfish Boots or
Dunerider Boots x1
Lightning Boots x1
| Spectre Boots x1
Anklet of the Wind x1
Aglet x1
Frostspark Boots x1
| Lightning Boots x1
Ice Skates x1
Obsidian Water Walking Boots x1
| Water Walking Boots x1
Obsidian Skull x1
Lava Waders x1
| Obsidian Water Walking Boots x1
Lava Charm x1
Obsidian Rose x1
Water Walking Boots x1
Molten Charm x1
Obsidian Rose x1
Obsidian Water Walking Boots x1
Molten Charm x1
Obsidian Rose x1
Terraspark Boots x1
| Frostspark Boots x1
Lava Waders x1
Hellfire Treads x1
| Lava Waders x1
Flame Waker Boots x1
Molten Charm x1
| Lava Charm x1
Obsidian Skull x1
Obsidian Skull Rose x1
| Obsidian Rose x1
Obsidian Skull x1
Magma Skull x1
| Magma Stone x1
Obsidian Skull x1
Molten Skull Rose x1
| Obsidian Rose x1
Magma Skull x1
Obsidian Skull Rose x1
Magma Stone x1
Obsidian Skull Rose x1
Magma Skull x1
Molten Quiver x1
| Magic Quiver x1
Magma Stone x1
Stalker's Quiver x1
| Magic Quiver x1
Putrid Scent x1
Mana Flower x1
| Nature's Gift x1
Mana Potion x1
Magnet Flower x1
| Mana Flower x1
Celestial Magnet x1
Mana Cloak x1
| Mana Flower x1
Star Cloak x1
Arcane Flower x1
| Mana Flower x1
Putrid Scent x1
Power Glove x1
| Titan Glove x1
Feral Claws x1
Mechanical Glove x1
| Power Glove x1
Avenger Emblem x1
Fire Gauntlet x1
| Magma Stone x1
Mechanical Glove x1
Berserker's Glove x1
| Power Glove x1
Flesh Knuckles x1
Charm of Myths x1
| Band of Regeneration x1
Philosopher's Stone x1
Mana Regeneration Band x1
| Band of Starpower x1
Band of Regeneration x1
Magic Cuffs x1
| Mana Regeneration Band x1
Shackle x1
Celestial Emblem x1
| Avenger Emblem x1
Celestial Magnet x1
Celestial Cuffs x1
| Celestial Magnet x1
Magic Cuffs x1
Star Veil x1
| Star Cloak x1
Cross Necklace x1
Bee Cloak x1
| Honey Comb x1
Star Cloak x1
Sweetheart Necklace x1
| Honey Comb x1
Panic Necklace x1
Stinger Necklace x1
| Honey Comb x1
Shark Tooth Necklace x1
Tiger Climbing Gear x1
| Climbing Claws x1
Shoe Spikes x1
Master Ninja Gear x1
| Tiger Climbing Gear x1
Tabi x1
Black Belt x1
Amphibian Boots x1
| Frog Leg x1
Sailfish Boots x1
Frog Flipper x1
| Frog Leg x1
Flipper x1
Frog Webbing x1
| Frog Leg x1
Tiger Climbing Gear x1
Frog Gear x1
| Frog Flipper x1
Tiger Climbing Gear x1
Frog Webbing x1
Flipper x1
Armor Bracing x1
| Armor Polish x1
Vitamins x1
Medicated Bandage x1
| Bezoar x1
Adhesive Bandage x1
The Plan x1
| Fast Clock x1
Trifold Map x1
Countercurse Mantra x1
| Megaphone x1
Nazar x1
Reflective Shades x1
| Blindfold x1
Pocket Mirror x1
Ankh Charm x1
| Armor Bracing x1
Medicated Bandage x1
The Plan x1
Countercurse Mantra x1
Reflective Shades x1
Avenger Emblem x1
| Soul of Might x5
Soul of Sight x5
Soul of Fright x5
Warrior Emblem or
Ranger Emblem or
Summoner Emblem or
Sorcerer Emblem x1
Destroyer Emblem x1
| Avenger Emblem x1
Eye of the Golem x1
Sniper Scope x1
| Destroyer Emblem x1
Rifle Scope x1
Recon Scope x1
| Putrid Scent x1
Sniper Scope x1
Papyrus Scarab x1
| Necromantic Scroll x1
Hercules Beetle x1
Moon Shell x1
| Moon Charm x1
Neptune's Shell x1
Celestial Stone x1
| Sun Stone x1
Moon Stone x1
Celestial Shell x1
| Celestial Stone x1
Moon Shell x1
Coin Ring x1
| Gold Ring x1
Lucky Coin x1
Greedy Ring x1
| Coin Ring x1
Discount Card x1
Architect Gizmo Pack x1
| Brick Layer x1
Extendo Grip x1
Paint Sprayer x1
Portable Cement Mixer x1
Hand Of Creation x1
| Architect Gizmo Pack x1
Ancient Chisel x1
Treasure Magnet x1
Step Stool x1
Fairy Boots x1
| Spectre Boots x1
Flower Boots x1
Ultrabright Helmet x1
| Mining Helmet x1
Night Vision Helmet x1
Angler Tackle Bag x1
| High Test Fishing Line x1
Tackle Box x1
Angler Earring x1
Lavaproof Tackle Bag x1
| Angler Tackle Bag x1
Lavaproof Fishing Hook x1
Glowing Fishing Bobber x1
| Fishing Bobber x1
Fallen Star x5
Lava Moss Fishing Bobber x1
| Glowing Fishing Bobber x1
Lava Moss x5
Krypton Moss Fishing Bobber x1
| Glowing Fishing Bobber x1
Krypton Moss x5
Xenon Moss Fishing Bobber x1
| Glowing Fishing Bobber x1
Xenon Moss x5
Argon Moss Fishing Bobber x1
| Glowing Fishing Bobber x1
Argon Moss x5
Neon Moss Fishing Bobber x1
| Glowing Fishing Bobber x1
Neon Moss x5
Helium Moss Fishing Bobber x1
| Glowing Fishing Bobber x1
Helium Moss x5
Ultra Absorbant Sponge x1
| Super Absorbant Sponge x1
Lava Absorbant Sponge x1
Honey Absorbant Sponge x1
Yoyo Bag x1
| White String x1
Yoyo Glove x1
Black Counterweight or
Yellow Counterweight or
Blue Counterweight or
Red Counterweight or
Green Counterweight or
Purple Counterweight x1
Multicolor Wrench x1
| Red Wrench x1
Blue Wrench x1
Green Wrench x1
Yellow Wrench x1
Wire Cutter x1
The Grand Design x1
| Multicolor Wrench x1
Mechanical Lens x1
Mechanical Ruler x1
Wire x60
Cyan Weighted Pressure Plate x1
| 各種Pressure Plate x1
Iron Bar or Lead Bar x1
Wire x1
Orange Weighted Pressure Plate x1
Pink Weighted Pressure Plate x1
Purple Weighted Pressure Plate x1
Music Box (Title)
| Music Box (Overworld Day) x1
Music Box (Eerie) x1
Music Box (Night) x1
Music Box (Underground) x1
Music Box (Boss 1) x1
Music Box (Boss 2) x1
Music Box (Boss 3) x1
Music Box (Jungle) x1
Music Box (Corruption) x1
Music Box (Underground Corruption) x1
Music Box (The Hallow) x1
Music Box (Underground Hallow) x1
Music Box (Journey's Beginning)
| Music Box (Slime Rain) x1
Music Box (Town Day) x1
Music Box (Town Night) x1
Music Box (Windy Day) x1
Music Box (Storm) x1
Music Box (Graveyard) x1
Music Box (Underground Jungle) x1
Music Box (Jungle Night) x1
Music Box (Underground Desert) x1
Music Box (Queen Slime) x1
Music Box (Empress Of Light) x1
Music Box (Duke Fishron) x1