Template:Developer Item List

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[編集] Developer items

画像 アイテム名 補足
Aaron's clothes.png Aaron's Helmet.png Aaron's Helmet
Aaron's Breastplate.png Aaron's Breastplate
Aaron's Leggings.png Aaron's Leggings
Arkhalis' set.png Arkhalis' Hood.png Arkhalis' Hood
Arkhalis' Bodice.png Arkhalis' Bodice Social Slotsに装備することでArkhalisの斬撃の色がキャラクターのUndershirtの色に変わる。
Arkhalis' Tights.png Arkhalis' Tights
Arkhalis' Lightwings.png Arkhalis' Lightwings
Arkhalis.png Arkhalis
Cenx's clothes.png Cenx's Tiara.png Cenx's Tiara
Cenx's Breastplate.png Cenx's Breastplate
Cenx's Leggings.png Cenx's Leggings
Cenx's Wings.png Cenx's Wings
Cenx's Dress clothes.png Cenx's Dress.png Cenx's Dress
Cenx's Dress Pants.png Cenx's Dress Pants
Crowno's clothes.png Crowno's Mask.png Crowno's Mask
Crowno's Breastplate.png Crowno's Breastplate
Crowno's Leggings.png Crowno's Leggings
Crowno's Wings.png Crowno's Wings
D-Town's clothes.png D-Town's Helmet.png D-Town's Helmet
D-Town's Breastplate.png D-Town's Breastplate
D-Town's Leggings.png D-Town's Leggings
D-Town's Wings.png D-Town's Wings
FoodBarbarian's set.png FoodBarbarian's Horned Helm.png FoodBarbarian's Horned Helm
FoodBarbarian's Wild Wolf Spaulders.png Food Barbarian's Wild Wolf Spaulders
FoodBarbarian's Savage Greaves.png Food Barbarian's Savage Greaves
FoodBarbarian's Tattered Dragon Wings.png FoodBarbarian's Tattered Dragon Wings
Ghostar's set.png Ghostar's Soul Jar.png Ghostar's Soul Jar
Ghostar's Garb.png Ghostar's Garb
Ghostar's Tights.png Ghostar's Tights
Ghostar's Infinity Eight.png Ghostar's Infinity Eight
Grox The Great's set.png Grox The Great's Horned Cowl.png Grox The Great's Horned Cowl
Grox The Great's Chestplate.png Grox The Great's Chestplate
Grox The Great's Greaves.png Grox The Great's Greaves
Grox The Great's Wings.png Grox The Great's Wings
Jim's clothes.png Jim's Helmet.png Jim's Helmet
Jim's Breastplate.png Jim's Breastplate
Jim's Leggings.png Jim's Leggings
Jim's Wings.png Jim's Wings
Lazure's clothes.png Lazure's Valkyrie Circlet.png Lazure's Valkyrie Circlet
Lazure's Valkyrie Cloak.png Lazure's Valkyrie Cloak
Lazure's Barrier Platform.png Lazure's Barrier Platform 見た目からはわかりにくいが翼系アイテム
Valkyrie Yoyo.png Valkyrie Yoyo ヨーヨー
Loki's clothes.png Loki's Helmet.png Loki's Helmet
Loki's Breastplate.png Loki's Breastplate
Loki's Greaves.png Loki's Greaves
Loki's Wings.png Loki's Wings
Loki's Dye.png Loki's Dye 染料。4個同時に手に入る
Leinfors' set.png Leinfors' Hair Protector.png Leinfors' Hair Protector
Leinfors' Excessive Style.png Leinfors' Excessive Style
Leinfors' Fancypants.png Leinfors' Fancypants
Leinfors' Prehensile Cloak.png Leinfors' Prehensile Cloak
Leinfors' Luxury Shampoo.png Leinfors' Luxury Shampoo アクセサリー。装備すると髪が輝く
Red's armor.png Red's Helmet.png Red's Helmet
Red's Breastplate.png Red's Breastplate
Red's Leggings.png Red's Leggings
Red's Wings.png Red's Wings
Red's Throw.png Red's Throw ヨーヨー
Safeman's set.png Safeman's Sunny Day.png Safeman's Sunny Day
Safeman's Sun Dress.png Safeman's Sun Dress
Safeman's Pink Leggings.png Safeman's Pink Leggings
Safeman's Blanket Cape.png Safeman's Blanket Cape
Skiphs' set.png Skiphs' Mask.png Skiphs' Mask
Skiphs' Skin.png Skiphs' Skin
Skiphs' Bear Butt.png Skiphs' Bear Butt
Skiphs' Paws.png Skiphs' Paws
Skiphs' Blood.png Skiphs' Blood 染料。4個同時に手に入る
Will's clothes.png Will's Helmet.png Will's Helmet
Will's Breastplate.png Will's Breastplate
Will's Leggings.png Will's Leggings
Will's Wings.png Will's Wings
Yoraiz0r's clothes.png Yoraiz0r's Recolored Goggles.png Yoraiz0r's Recolored Goggles
Yoraiz0r's Scowl.png Yoraiz0r's Scowl アクセサリー。装備すると目元に影がかかる
Yoraiz0r's Uniform.png Yoraiz0r's Uniform
Yoraiz0r's Skirt.png Yoraiz0r's Skirt
Yoraiz0r's Spell.png Yoraiz0r's Spell 見た目からはわかりにくいが翼系アイテム

スポンサード リンク
