
提供:Terraria Japan Wiki

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  1. Crystal Assassin Shirt →‎ Crystal Assassin Armor
  2. Crystal Assassin Pants →‎ Crystal Assassin Armor
  3. Coral Campfire →‎ Campfire
  4. Desert Campfire →‎ Campfire
  5. Jungle Campfire →‎ Campfire
  6. Corrupt Campfire →‎ Campfire
  7. Crimson Campfire →‎ Campfire
  8. Hallowed Campfire →‎ Campfire
  9. Ultrabright Campfire →‎ Campfire
  10. Hell Butterfly Jar →‎ Butterfly Jar
  11. Category:Help/ja →‎ Category:ヘルプ
  12. Category:Formatting templates →‎ Category:テンプレート整形用
  13. Category:要編集 →‎ Category:編集が必要なページ
  14. Template:Main →‎ Template:See also
  15. Template:Official Wiki →‎ Template:公式
  16. Drunk world →‎ World Seed
  17. For the worthy →‎ World Seed
  18. Not the bees →‎ World Seed
  19. Celebrationmk10 →‎ World Seed
  20. Tax Collector's clothes →‎ Tax Collector's set
  21. Karate Tortoise costume →‎ Karate Tortoise set
  22. Creeper costume →‎ Creeper set
  23. Dye Trader's clothes →‎ Dye Trader's set
  24. Dryad costume →‎ Dryad set
  25. Steampunk costume →‎ Steampunk set
  26. Scarecrow costume →‎ Scarecrow set
  27. Fish costume →‎ Fish set
  28. Martian Costume →‎ Martian Costume set
  29. Template:アイテム3 →‎ Template:アイテム3
  30. Template:Deco banner →‎ Template:Bannerno
  31. Venom →‎ Acid Venom
  32. Universal Pylon →‎ Pylon
  33. Stone Platform →‎ Platform
  34. Scarab Fish →‎ 釣り
  35. Scorpio Fish →‎ 釣り
  36. Blood Mummy →‎ Mummy
  37. Flesh Reaver →‎ Sand Shark
  38. Bone Biter →‎ Sand Shark
  39. Crystal Thresher →‎ Sand Shark
  40. The Constant →‎ World Seed
  41. 1.3 →‎ リリースノート(1.3)
  42. The Bereaved →‎ 絵画
  43. The Strongman →‎ 絵画
  44. The Firestarter →‎ 絵画
  45. The Gentleman Scientist →‎ 絵画
  46. Froggle Bunwich →‎ Food
  47. Monster Lasagna →‎ Food
  48. →‎ リリースノート(1.3)
  49. Stone Door →‎ Door
  50. →‎ リリースノート(1.3)

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