Lifeforce Potion

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2022年11月17日 (木) 12:33時点におけるシャオ (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
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Lifeforce Potion
Lifeforce Potion.png
tooltipIncreases max life by 20%
20% increased max life
レアリティRarity color 1.png
売却価格default 2
Item ID2345
参照元: 公式Wiki
Lifeforce Potion

アイテム > ポーション類

生命強化ポーション [TrJpMod訳]

8分間だけMax Lifeを20%上昇させるポーション。
Max Lifeの値で上昇量が変わる点に注意。
そのためMax Lifeの低い序盤で入手しても恩恵は低いが、後半のボス戦などでは大きな効果を発揮する。
(Max Life100で使用→120、Max Life500で使用→600になる)

[編集] クラフティング

[編集] レシピ

必要家具 Bottle.png瓶クラフティング
必要素材 Bottled Water.png Bottled Water
Prismite.png Prismite
Moonglow.png Moonglow
Shiverthorn.png Shiverthorn
Waterleaf.png Waterleaf
生成物 Lifeforce Potion.png Lifeforce Potion

[編集] 更新履歴

ポーション類 Ammo Reservation Potion.png Ammo Reservation Potion Archery Potion.png Archery Potion Battle Potion.png Battle Potion Biome Sight Potion.png Biome Sight Potion Builder Potion.png Builder Potion Calming Potion.png Calming Potion

Crate Potion.png Crate PotionDangersense Potion.png Dangersense Potion Endurance Potion.png Endurance Potion Featherfall Potion.png Featherfall Potion Fishing Potion.png Fishing Potion Flipper Potion.png Flipper Potion
Gills Potion.png Gills Potion Gravitation Potion.png Gravitation Potion Heartreach Potion.png Heartreach Potion Hunter Potion.png Hunter Potion Inferno Potion.png Inferno Potion Invisibility Potion.png Invisibility Potion
Ironskin Potion.png Ironskin Potion Lifeforce Potion.png Lifeforce Potion Love Potion.png Love Potion Lesser Luck Potion.png Luck Potion.png Greater Luck Potion.png Luck Potion各種 Magic Power Potion.png Magic Power Potion Mana Regeneration Potion.png Mana Regeneration Potion
Mining Potion.png Mining Potion Night Owl Potion.png Night Owl Potion Obsidian Skin Potion.png Obsidian Skin Potion Rage Potion.png Rage Potion Regeneration Potion.png Regeneration Potion Shine Potion.png Shine Potion Sonar Potion.png Sonar Potion
Spelunker Potion.png Spelunker Potion Stink Potion.png Stink Potion Summoning Potion.png Summoning Potion Swiftness Potion.png Swiftness Potion Thorns Potion.png Thorns Potion Titan Potion.png Titan Potion
Warmth Potion.png Warmth Potion Water Walking Potion.png Water Walking Potion Wrath Potion.png Wrath Potion

Flask Flask of Poison.png Flask of Poison Flask of Fire.png Flask of Fire Flask of Venom.png Flask of Venom Flask of Gold.png Flask of Gold Flask of Ichor.png Flask of Ichor Flask of Cursed Flames.png Flask of Cursed Flames Flask of Nanites.png Flask of Nanites Flask of Party.png Flask of Party
その他 Bowl of Soup.png Food各種 Ale.png Ale Sake.png Sake

スポンサード リンク
