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最新版 編集中の文章
1行: 1行:
[[ファイル:Dye Trader Head.png]]
[[Dye Trader]]<br>染料商人
[[ファイル:Party Girl Head.png]]
[[Party Girl]]<br>パーティガール
[[ファイル:Witch Doctor Head.png]]
[[Witch Doctor]]<br>呪術医
[[ファイル:Painter Head.png]]
i hope it doesn't rain again until this paint dries. that would be a disaster!<br>
Check out cherry. now. that's a girl who can paint rhe town red!<br>
No, no no... There's TONS of different grays! Don't get me started.<br>
Once you enter hallowed land, you will see a rainbow in the sky. i can help ypu with painting that if you want.<br>
I know the difference between turquoise and blue-green. But i won't tell you.<br>
Try swirly pink and purple, it works, i swear!<br>
[[ファイル:Pirate Head.png]]
[[ファイル:Truffle Head.png]]
As if living underground wasn't bad enough, jerks likes like you come in while i'm sleeping and steal my children.<br>
There's been such a huge rumor that's being spread about me, 'if can't beat him, eat him!<br>
Between you and me, Ewie is the only one i trust. She is the only one here who hasn't tried to eat me or use me in a potion.<br>
Everyone in this town feels a bit off. i woke up to the clothier chewing on my foot last night.<br>
i don't know the 'Truffle Shuffle,' so stop asking!<br>
You haven't seen any pigs around here have you? My brother lost his leg to one.<br>
Everytime i see the color blue, it makes me depressed and lazy.<br>
[[ファイル:Steampunker Head.png]]
That caotain fellow seems to me to be 'pretty well overt the bay' if you know what mean!<br>
Oy, whatchu got in you jiminy fluffer?<br>
Show me some gears!<br>
I kike your... gear. Does it come in brass?<br><br>
BE it what it would, a jetpack would suit you nicely!<br>
I'm mighty curious about that Omicron fellow. By what manner of consumption does he maintain such locomotion?<br>
[[ファイル:Cyborg Head.png]]
My expedition efficiency was critically reduced when a projectile imapacted my locomotive actuator.<br>
Sometimes i come off a bit...Get it? a bit?<br>
This sentence is false , or is it?<br>
So that 'punk' lookin' chick is an inventor, eh? i think i could show her a thing or two!<br>
And then Unit 492-8 said, 'Who do you think i am, Unit472-6?' HA HA HA.<br>
Sure, me and Red Beard are pals,but i hate it when his parrot does Business me.That stuff's corrosive!<br>
i built myself a taste mechanism, so i can drink some ale!<br>

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