
提供:Terraria Japan Wiki

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1行: 1行:
{| cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse:collapse; min-width:250px; border:1px solid #888888" align="right"
| image = [[File:Wooden Table.png]]<br />[[File:Boreal Wood Table.png]] [[File:Palm Wood Table.png]] [[File:Rich Mahogany Table.png]] [[File:Ebonwood Table.png]] [[File:Shadewood Table.png]] [[File:Pearlwood Table.png]] [[File:Dynasty Table.png]] [[File:Spooky Table.png]] [[File:Pine Table.png]] [[File:Cactus Table.png]] [[File:Pumpkin Table.png]] [[File:Mushroom Table.png]] [[File:Banquet Table.png]] [[File:Bar.png]] [[File:Living Wood Table.png]] [[File:Glass Table.png]] [[File:Steam Punk Table.png]] [[File:Skyware Table.png]] [[File:Frozen Table.png]] [[File:Honey Table.png]] [[File:Slime Table.png]] [[File:Bone Table.png]] [[File:Flesh Table.png]] [[File:Lihzahrd Table.png|30px]] [[File:Gothic Table.png]] [[File:Blue Dungeon Table.png]] [[File:Green Dungeon Table.png]] [[File:Pink Dungeon Table.png]] [[File:Obsidian Table.png]] [[File:Golden Table.png]]
| [[:Category:家具|家具]]
| 可能
| 3x2
| 99
| [[ファイル:Items of rarity 0.png]]
| 14
| ?
| ?
| {{cc|60}}
| 32
Tableと[[Chair]]、[[bottle]]などを組み合わせると、[[Watch]]をクラフトできたり、[[Alchemy Station]]として利用できるようになる。
[[File:Placed Tables.png|frame|設置したテーブル]]
== クラフティング ==
=== クラフト可能 ===
{| {{Table set}}
! {{Table th}} | アイテム
! {{Table th}} | 必要素材
! {{Table th}} | 必要家具
!style="background:#E4F0F7; color:#063B5E; font-size:120%;" colspan="2"|Table
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Wooden Table}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Wood}}(8)
| rowspan="13" {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Work Bench}}
! style="padding:0.5em; align:center;" colspan="2" | [[ファイル:Wooden Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Boreal Wood Table}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Boreal Wood}}(8)
!style="background:#E4F0F7; color:#063B5E; font-size:100%;" colspan="2"|情報
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Palm Wood Table}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Palm Wood}}(8)
|style="border:0px solid #888888; width:40%;"|タイプ<br>サイズ<br>最大所持数<br>売値
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Rich Mahogany Table}}
|style="border:0px solid #888888; width:60%"|設置<br>3x2<br>99<br>[[File:Copper Coin.png]] 60
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Rich Mahogany}}(8)
単体では意味が無いが、PCがTableから左右3マス×上3マスの範囲に入ると同時に[[Chair]]の左右3マス×上3マスの範囲にいると、[[クラフティング #机+椅子クラフティング|机+椅子クラフティング]]が出来るようになる。<br>
Housingでは必須家具だが、[[Work Bench]]、[[Dresser]]、[[Bathtub]]、[[Bookcase]]でも代用ができる。
{| border="2" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
|- style="background: #DDDED3;"
! 画像 !! アイテム名 !! 素材 !! 必要家具 !! 備考
|[[File:Wooden Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Ebonwood Table}}
|[[Wooden Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Ebonwood}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Wood}} x8
|{{アイテム|Work Bench}}
|[[File:Banquet Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Shadewood Table}}
|[[Banquet Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Shadewood}}(8)
|[[File:Wood.png]] [[木材]] x8
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Pearlwood Table}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Pearlwood}}(8)
|[[File:Wood.png]] [[木材]] x8
|[[File:Rich Mahogany Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Dynasty Table}}
|[[Rich Mahogany Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Dynasty Wood}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Rich Mahogany}} x8
|{{アイテム|Work Bench}}
|[[File:Ebonwood Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Spooky Table}}
|[[Ebonwood Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Spooky Wood}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Ebonwood}} x8
|{{アイテム|Work Bench}}
|[[File:Shadewood Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Pine Table}}
|[[Shadewood Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Pine Tree Block}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Shadewood}} x8
|{{アイテム|Work Bench}}
|[[File:Pearlwood Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Cactus Table}}
|[[Pearlwood Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Cactus}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Pearlwood}} x8
|{{アイテム|Work Bench}}
|[[File:Dynasty Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Pumpkin Table}}
|[[Dynasty Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Pumpkin}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Dynasty Wood}} x8
|{{アイテム|Work Bench}}
|[[File:Living Wood Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Mushroom Table}}
|[[Living Wood Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Glowing Mushroom}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Wood}} x8
|{{アイテム|Living Loom}}
|[[Living Tree]]で入手
|[[File:Glass Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Banquet Table}}
|[[Glass Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Wood}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Glass}} x8
| rowspan="2" {{Table lineb}}| {{item link|Sawmill}}
|{{アイテム|Glass Kiln}}
|[[File:Honey Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Bar}}
|[[Honey Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Wood}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Honey Block}} x8
|{{アイテム|Honey Dispenser}}
|[[File:Skyware Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Living Wood Table}}
|[[Skyware Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Wood}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Sunplate Block}} x8
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Living Loom}}
|{{アイテム|Sky Mill}}
|[[Floating Islands]]で入手
|[[File:Lihzahrd Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Glass Table}}
|[[Lihzahrd Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Glass}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Lihzahrd Brick}} x8
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Glass Kiln}}
|{{アイテム|Lihzahrd Furnace}}
|[[Lihzahrd Temple]]で入手
|[[File:Steam Punk Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Steam Punk Table}}
|[[Steam Punk Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Cog}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Cog}} x8
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Steampunk Boiler}}
|{{アイテム|Steampunk Boiler}}
|[[File:Pumpkin Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Skyware Table}}
|[[Pumpkin Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Sunplate Block}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Pumpkin}} x8
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Sky Mill}}
|{{アイテム|Work Bench}}
|[[File:Spooky Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Frozen Table}}
|[[Spooky Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Ice Block}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Spooky Wood}} x8
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Ice Machine}}
|{{アイテム|Work Bench}}
|[[File:Flesh Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Honey Table}}
|[[Flesh Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Honey Block}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Flesh Block}} x8
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Honey Dispenser}}
|{{アイテム|Flesh Cloning Vaat}}
|[[File:Bone Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Slime Table}}
|[[Bone Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Slime Block}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Bone}} x8
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Solidifier}}
|{{アイテム|Bone Welder}}
|[[File:Frozen Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Bone Table}}
|[[Frozen Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Bone}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Ice Block}} x8
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Bone Welder}}
|{{アイテム|Ice Machine}}
|[[File:Pine Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Flesh Table}}
|[[Pine Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Flesh Block}}(8)
|{{アイテム|Pine Tree Block}} x8
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Flesh Cloning Vat}}
|{{アイテム|Work Bench}}
|[[File:Obsidian Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Lihzahrd Table}}
|[[Obsidian Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Lihzahrd Brick}}(8)
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Lihzahrd Furnace}}
|[[The Underworld]]で入手
|[[File:Gothic Table.png]]
|[[Gothic Table]]
== クラフト不可能 ==
{| {{Table set}} width="300"
! {{Table th}} | 種類
! {{Table th}} | 補足
|[[File:Blue Dungeon Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Gothic Table}}
|[[Blue Dungeon Table]]
| rowspan="4" {{Table lineb}} | [[Dungeon]]で入手
|[[File:Green Dungeon Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Blue Dungeon Table}}
|[[Green Dungeon Table]]
|[[File:Pink Dungeon Table.png]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Green Dungeon Table}}
|[[Pink Dungeon Table]]
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Pink Dungeon Table}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item nolink|Obsidian Table}}
| {{Table lineb}} | [[Lava|溶岩]]地帯の[[Ruined House]]で入手
| {{item nolink|Golden Table}}
| [[hardmode|ハードモード]][[event|イベント]]の[[Pirate Invasion]]の敵([[Parrot]]と[[Captain]]以外)から0.33%の確率で入手
|[[File:Golden Table.png]]
|[[Golden Table]]
|[[Pirate Invasion]]で入手
== クラフトできるもの ==
{| {{Table set}}
! colspan="2" {{Table th}} | Table + [[Chair]]
! {{Table th}} | 生成物
! {{Table th}} | 材料
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Copper Watch}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Copper Bar}}(10)<br />{{item link|Chain}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Tin Watch}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Tin Bar}}(10)<br />{{item link|Chain}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Silver Watch}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Silver Bar}}(10)<br />{{item link|Chain}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Tungsten Watch}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Tungsten Bar}}(10)<br />{{item link|Chain}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Gold Watch}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Gold Bar}}(10)<br />{{item link|Chain}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Platinum Watch}}
| {{Table lineb}} | {{item link|Platinum Bar}}(10)<br />{{item link|Chain}}
*{{item link|Copper Watch}}(及び{{item link|Tin Watch}})は、{{item link|5 Second Timer}}を、{{item link|Silver Watch}}(及び{{item link|Tungsten Watch}})は、{{item link|3 Second Timer}}を、{{item link|Gold Watch}}(及び{{item link|Platinum Watch}})は、{{item link|1 Second Timer}}を作成する際に使用する。
== History ==
{{history||Cactus Tableを追加。}}
**Boreal Wood、Palm Wood、Mushroom、Slime Tableを追加。 The Banquet Table と Bar can now be used as crafting stations like other tables (possibly 1.2.3).
**Dressers、Pianos と Tables no longer emit particles when struck.}}
{{history|1.2.3|Living Wood、SkywareLihzahrd Tableを作成可能にし、古いクラフトステーションテーブルを変更。Frozen、Dynasty tableを追加。}}
{{history|1.2.2|Pine Tableを追加。}}
{{history|1.2.1|Spooky、Pumpkin Tableを追加。}}
{{history||Golden、Honey、Steampunk、Glass Tableを追加。}}
{{history|1.2|Ebonwood、Pearlwood、Shadewood、Flesh、Obsidian、Gothic、Blue Dungeon、Green Dungeon、Pink Dungeon、Bone、Skyware Tableを追加。}}
{{history|1.0.6|Wooden table has a new sprite.}}

2015年3月6日 (金) 19:41時点における版

Wooden Table.png
Boreal Wood Table.png Palm Wood Table.png Rich Mahogany Table.png Ebonwood Table.png Shadewood Table.png Pearlwood Table.png Dynasty Table.png Spooky Table.png Pine Table.png Cactus Table.png Pumpkin Table.png Mushroom Table.png Banquet Table.png Bar.png Living Wood Table.png Glass Table.png Steam Punk Table.png Skyware Table.png Frozen Table.png Honey Table.png Slime Table.png Bone Table.png Flesh Table.png Lihzahrd Table.png Gothic Table.png Blue Dungeon Table.png Green Dungeon Table.png Pink Dungeon Table.png Obsidian Table.png Golden Table.png
分類 {{{type}}}
設置 {{{placeable}}}
最大スタック {{{stack}}}
説明 なし
レア度 Rarity color 0.gif
買値 なし
売値 なし
調査 {{{research}}}
公式 Terraria Wiki

Tableは沢山の種類がある設置が可能な家具で、上に乗ることができ、上にはbottleMugなどの特定の家具を設置することができます。 また、NPCHouseに居住するためにChairと組み合わせが必要な家具でもある。

TableとChairbottleなどを組み合わせると、Watchをクラフトできたり、Alchemy Stationとして利用できるようになる。





アイテム 必要素材 必要家具
Wooden Table.png Wooden Table Wood.png Wood(8) Work Bench.png Work Bench
Boreal Wood Table.png Boreal Wood Table Boreal Wood.png Boreal Wood(8)
Palm Wood Table.png Palm Wood Table Palm Wood.png Palm Wood(8)
Rich Mahogany Table.png Rich Mahogany Table Rich Mahogany.png Rich Mahogany(8)
Ebonwood Table.png Ebonwood Table Ebonwood.png Ebonwood(8)
Shadewood Table.png Shadewood Table Shadewood.png Shadewood(8)
Pearlwood Table.png Pearlwood Table Pearlwood.png Pearlwood(8)
Dynasty Table.png Dynasty Table Dynasty Wood.png Dynasty Wood(8)
Spooky Table.png Spooky Table Spooky Wood.png Spooky Wood(8)
Pine Table.png Pine Table Pine Tree Block.png Pine Tree Block(8)
Cactus Table.png Cactus Table Cactus.png Cactus(8)
Pumpkin Table.png Pumpkin Table Pumpkin.png Pumpkin(8)
Mushroom Table.png Mushroom Table Glowing Mushroom.png Glowing Mushroom(8)
Banquet Table.png Banquet Table Wood.png Wood(8) Sawmill.png Sawmill
Bar.png Bar Wood.png Wood(8)
Living Wood Table.png Living Wood Table Wood.png Wood(8) Living Loom.png Living Loom
Glass Table.png Glass Table Glass.png Glass(8) Glass Kiln.png Glass Kiln
Steam Punk Table.png Steam Punk Table Cog.png Cog(8) Steampunk Boiler.png Steampunk Boiler
Skyware Table.png Skyware Table Sunplate Block.png Sunplate Block(8) Sky Mill.png Sky Mill
Frozen Table.png Frozen Table Ice Block.png Ice Block(8) Ice Machine.png Ice Machine
Honey Table.png Honey Table Honey Block.png Honey Block(8) Honey Dispenser.png Honey Dispenser
Slime Table.png Slime Table Slime Block.png Slime Block(8) Solidifier.png Solidifier
Bone Table.png Bone Table Bone.png Bone(8) Bone Welder.png Bone Welder
Flesh Table.png Flesh Table Flesh Block.png Flesh Block(8) Flesh Cloning Vat.png Flesh Cloning Vat
Lihzahrd Table.png Lihzahrd Table Lihzahrd Brick.png Lihzahrd Brick(8) Lihzahrd Furnace.png Lihzahrd Furnace


種類 補足
Gothic Table.png Gothic Table Dungeonで入手
Blue Dungeon Table.png Blue Dungeon Table
Green Dungeon Table.png Green Dungeon Table
Pink Dungeon Table.png Pink Dungeon Table
Obsidian Table.png Obsidian Table 溶岩地帯のRuined Houseで入手
Golden Table.png Golden Table ハードモードイベントPirate Invasionの敵(ParrotCaptain以外)から0.33%の確率で入手


Table + Chair
生成物 材料
Copper Watch.png Copper Watch Copper Bar.png Copper Bar(10)
Chain.png Chain
Tin Watch.png Tin Watch Tin Bar.png Tin Bar(10)
Chain.png Chain
Silver Watch.png Silver Watch Silver Bar.png Silver Bar(10)
Chain.png Chain
Tungsten Watch.png Tungsten Watch Tungsten Bar.png Tungsten Bar(10)
Chain.png Chain
Gold Watch.png Gold Watch Gold Bar.png Gold Bar(10)
Chain.png Chain
Platinum Watch.png Platinum Watch Platinum Bar.png Platinum Bar(10)
Chain.png Chain


  • Cactus Tableを追加。
  • 1.2.4:
    • Boreal Wood、Palm Wood、Mushroom、Slime Tableを追加。 The Banquet Table と Bar can now be used as crafting stations like other tables (possibly 1.2.3).
    • Dressers、Pianos と Tables no longer emit particles when struck.
  • 1.2.3: Living Wood、SkywareLihzahrd Tableを作成可能にし、古いクラフトステーションテーブルを変更。Frozen、Dynasty tableを追加。
  • 1.2.2: Pine Tableを追加。
  • 1.2.1: Spooky、Pumpkin Tableを追加。
  • Golden、Honey、Steampunk、Glass Tableを追加。
  • 1.2: Ebonwood、Pearlwood、Shadewood、Flesh、Obsidian、Gothic、Blue Dungeon、Green Dungeon、Pink Dungeon、Bone、Skyware Tableを追加。
  • 1.0.6: Wooden table has a new sprite.
  • Pre-Release: 導入。

Iron Anvil.png作業台 • Candle.png照明 • Chest.png収納 • Pure Water Fountain.pngその他

スポンサード リンク
